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How To Remove A Tick From A Dog : Case Of Golden Retrievers

How To Remove A Tick From A Dog : Case Of Golden Retrievers

Ticks and dogs seem to spend a lot of time together so read on for more information about these parasitic pests to learn how to remove a tick from a dog.

Ticks can be found in just about every country around the world.

Besides being a nuisance, they can be dangerous because some species carry diseases.

Keeping Ticks and Dogs Apart By Identifying Ticks

What do ticks look like? Although ticks are commonly thought of as insects, they're actually arachnids--like spiders, mites and scorpions.

All members of this group have eight legs and no antennae.

There are about 200 species of ticks just in the United States--unbelievable! No wonder it's so hard to keep ticks and dogs apart!

There are two main types of ticks: hard and soft.

Hard ticks are usually found in woods and fields.

They're probably the ones that come to mind when we think of ticks and dogs.

Soft ticks don't have the hard shield and they're shaped like a large raisin. They prefer to feed on birds or bats, so people rarely come across them.

The life cycle of a tick includes four stages--egg, larva, nymph and adult. After the tick eggs hatch, the tiny larvae (sometimes called "seed ticks") feed on a host, then molt into nymphs.

The tick nymph feeds on a host and then molts into an even larger adult. Both male and female adult ticks find and feed on a host, then the females lay eggs.

When they're ready for a meal, ticks wait for host animals from the tips of tall grasses and low shrubs. When brushed by a moving animal or person, they quickly let go of the vegetation and climb onto the host.

It's amazing how easily ticks and dogs get together even though ticks can only crawl--they can't fly or jump.

Once on an animal, they burrow their tiny heads into the skin, and hang on. They live by drinking blood (like mini-vampires). They'll get larger as they swell up with blood--gross!

The American dog tick (pictured above), also known as the wood tick, is probably the most common tick in the U.S.

They're large enough for you to see them easily. (OK, I need my reading glasses sometimes to be sure that's what I'm seeing.)

In regards to your pet, tick removal is even more important with this species because it often carries Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

The deer tick (now believed to be the nymph stage of the blacklegged tick) is barely visible to the human eye. Deer ticks can be found throughout the U.S., and often carry Lyme disease.


Disease-Carrying Ticks On Dogs

When ticks and dogs get together, several serious canine tick diseases can result.

You've probably heard of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. There is another one you should know about.

Ehrlichiosis (pronounced ‘ear-lick-ee-osis’) is also known as tick fever in dogs.

It's transmitted by the brown dog tick, and is becoming more common.

Initial symptoms appear within 8 to 20 days. They include fever, runny eyes and nose, lack of appetite, lethargy, and weight loss.

If not diagnosed and treated, a dog can live with a chronic form of Ehrlichiosis for years. During this time, he can suffer from constant lethargy, loss of appetite, anemia, and neurological problems.

Tick borne diseases in dogs often create vague signs and can be misdiagnosed. That's especially true if your dog lives in a non-tick area, but just returned from a visit to a tick-infested area. It never fails -- ticks and dogs manage to find each other!

Although people can't "catch" a tick borne disease from an infected dog, we can become infected by tick bites from the ticks that transmit the disease.

So if you get any tick bite symptoms such as a rash that looks like a bull's-eye, or a rash anywhere on your body, or an unexplained illness accompanied by fever following a tick bite, call your doctor and explain that you were bitten by a tick.

How To Remove A Tick From A Dog

When you come home after being out with your Golden Retriever, check him carefully for ticks. If you find it; Here is how how to remove a tick from a dog :

Pet him all over (he'll love it!) to find ticks that are still roaming, looking for a "landing site." Then feel and look carefully for ticks that have already latched on.

Ticks and dogs seem to hook up most frequently in and around the ears, between the toes, and in the underside area where each leg joins the body (the "armpits").

Your Golden Retriever dog may also let you know he's playing host to a tick, by persistently scratching and burrowing into his coat with his paws, tongue and teeth.

Watch for bald spots and/or scabby sores, too, where your dog has been removing ticks on his own -- or trying to, at least.

It's even easier when ticks and dogs haven't made a connection yet. If ticks are still just crawling on your Golden Retriever dog's fur, you can easily pluck them off and drop them in the toilet.

When you come across a tick that's already attached itself, don't use nail polish, a hot match, or petroleum jelly.

You may have heard these old wives' tales about separating ticks and dogs, but doing these things can cause the tick to inject infected material into the skin as the tick makes a "last gasp" effort just before it dies.

The best way to remove ticks is to grasp the tick as closely to the skin as possible--using tweezers--and pull it slowly and steadily, straight up from the dog (don't twist). Drop the tick in the toilet, and flush. All done! (They're not very good swimmers.) Permanently separating ticks and dogs may seem rather disgusting, but you may be saving your Golden Retriever dog's life in the process.

If the head of the tick remains in the dog's skin, try to grab it with the tweezers and remove as much of it as you can. If you can't remove the entire head, don't worry. Your pet's immune system will create an inflammatory response at the area to try to dislodge the head. Contact your vet if the skin around any tick bites remains irritated.

If you're wondering how to remove ticks from yourself or a family member, just follow the above procedure. Ticks and people can be separated as easily as ticks and dogs. A simple tick bite treatment of soap and water followed by an antiseptic at the bite site would be a good precaution.


Separating Ticks and Dogs Outdoors

Ticks can be a major problem for dogs exercised in areas with heavy tick populations.

You can try to avoid areas known to be tick-infested, such as fields of long grass. But that may not always be possible (especially for hunting dogs).

To keep ticks and dogs separated during tick season (generally April through September), ask your veterinarian about dog tick medications.

Several dog flea and tick control products are available.

Some of them are effective for four weeks or longer.

Here are some other ways to help keep ticks and dogs apart:

  • Ticks like to hang out in long vegetation, so keep your grass cut short for natural tick control.
  • If you have an outside dog run or pen, trim the tall grass around it.
  • Don't use hay or straw for bedding, as such material can be tick infested.
  • Consider trying a top-quality flea and tick yard spray for getting rid of ticks.
  • Wash your dog's bedding in hot water at least once a week to help keep ticks and dogs separated. Hot water does a good job of killing ticks, fleas and lice that may be present.
  • Putting just a few drops of Rose Geranium essential oil on your Golden Retriever dog's collar is reported to be an effective natural tick repellent.

On a Personal Note

When I was growing up in central Ohio, ticks and dogs were a natural part of life. From early spring through late fall, we constantly checked the dogs and ourselves for ticks.

If I felt something crawling on me, or located a new bump on my scalp, I just pulled off the tick and dropped it in the toilet. No big deal. I didn't even know about diseases from ticks. Ah, ignorance is bliss!

Somehow, we all survived. But I'd recommend you take a more cautious approach nowadays in keeping ticks and dogs apart - and away from people, too!


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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim