Kennel Cough (Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis) is one of the most common illnesses among kennel DOGS. A good kennel will insist that all DOGS are vaccinated for kennel cough. Unfortunately, Kennel Cough can be caused by multiple organisms, so vaccination isn’t always totally effective.
One way to reduce your golden retriever’s risk of Kennel Cough, as well as other diseases, is to make sure that you supply the kennel with your golden retriever’s own personal items. There is a bigger chance of transferring diseases to your Golden retriever dog when the DOGS share personal items. If you supply the kennel with your golden retriever’s own personal gear, such as food and water bowls, food itself, toys or bedding, it will serve a dual purpose. It will lower the risk of the golden retriever getting sick and it will also help the golden retriever to be more comfortable and stay closer to his daily routine.
By choosing a kennel that insists on vaccinations, supplying the kennel with your golden retriever’s personal items and ensuring that the kennel is clean and well ventilated, you can greatly reduce the risk of your golden retriever getting sick during his stay.
For a little added peace of mind, you could select a kennel that has staff on hand 24 hours a day and access to an emergency vet.
While freak accidents can happen, following these steps should help to ensure that your golden retriever dog’s kennel stay is both healthy and happy.