Dog Bloat: Symptoms And Treatment, Case of Golden Retrievers.

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Dog Bloat Symptoms And Treatment Case of Golden RetrieversDog Bloat : Case of Golden Retrievers

Dog bloat will kill your precious Golden Retriever pup if you don't know the symptoms and take quick action. What exactly is bloat in dogs, and why is it an emergency? Let's find out!

Dog bloat is technically known as GDV or gastric dilatation volvulus. It's caused by a buildup of gas that can't escape from a dog's stomach.

As the gas accumulates, the stomach swells and often twists. That effectively keeps food from getting in or out of the stomach.

It also blocks blood flow to the stomach and other internal organs. This life-threatening condition is also known as canine bloat or acute gastric dilatation.

It puts your Golden Retriever dog in great pain and on the brink of shock and death within the hour.

GDV in dogs is a true emergency. If you know or even suspect you're dealing with a case of canine bloat, immediately call your veterinarian or emergency service. Don't attempt home treatment.

It would help speed things up if you call ahead. That way, while you two are on your way, the hospital staff can be preparing for your arrival.

Which breeds are most prone to this condition?

Although any dog can experience this painful and potentially deadly situation, statistics indicate that large, deep-chested breeds like Great Danes, Irish Setters, Saint Bernards, Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are most prone to dog bloat. Older dogs (7-12 years) are the highest risk group.


Dog Bloat Symptoms To Watch For with your Golden Retriever Dog

A Golden Retriever dog with canine bloat will appear restless and uncomfortable. But the biggest clue to this condition is the vomiting. The dog acts really sick, with lots of gagging, but not much is coming up.

Other symptoms include the following:

  • Swollen belly.
  • Excessive drooling.
  • Weakness.
  • Heavy panting or shortness of breath.
  • Humping his back (from the pain).

Possible Causes Leading To Dog Bloat

It isn't clear exactly why a dog's stomach bloats and twists. But there are several common factors leading up to canine bloat, including the following:

  • Drinking too much water before or after exercising.
  • Feeding only one meal a day.
  • Gulping too much air while eating too quickly.
  • Being thin or underweight.
  • Feeding from an elevated bowl.
  • Using an elevated bowl used to be recommended for avoiding bloat, strangely enough.
  • Eating dry food then drinking too much water afterward, causing the kibble to swell up in the stomach, can lead to bloat in dogs.
  • Feeding a dry diet with animal fat listed in the first four ingredients.
  • The fat seems to cause a slower emptying of the stomach contents.


How Can I Minimize My Dog's Risk of Dog Bloat?

Dog Bloat Symptom Golden RetrieversAs you can imagine, bloat in dogs is definitely a situation where prevention is a really good idea.

Although changing diet and feeding methods won't totally prevent bloat in dogs, you can reduce your pup's risk by following these suggestions:

  • Feed Hungry Harry two or three smaller meals a day rather than one large meal.
  • If he tends to wolf down his food, add water to the dry food and let it get soggy. That way, his stomach fills up faster and he won't want to drink as much afterwards.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for one hour before and two to three hours after a meal.

What's The Best Treatment For Dog Bloat?

Immediate surgery is your Golden Retriever dog's best chance for surviving an encounter with canine bloat. The procedure will quickly decompress the stomach and correct any torsion (twisting) by repositioning the stomach within the abdomen.

Your dog will probably need to stay in the vet hospital for a week or more to speed recovery.

Although it's possible to simply remove the gas from the stomach and take your dog home, that's really not a good idea. Why?

Statistics show that without surgery, the recurrence rate of canine bloat may be as high as 75%!

If the stomach can be surgically tacked into place, recurrence rate drops to 6%. Survival rate for surgical patients is an encouraging 95%.

So if you value your dog's life, and you don't want him to go through the pain and trauma of dog bloat again, you'd be wise to opt for surgery.

If you own a Golden Retriever or other large dog, your best plan of action is to follow the above guidelines in order to (hopefully) prevent this situation in the first place.

But if your precious Golden Retriever puppy shows any dog bloat symptoms, don't waste time and don't take chances. Give your vet a call, and then get your dog therefast!

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