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Dog Bathing Tips For Golden Retriever Dogs

Dog Bathing Tips For Golden Retriever Dogs

Dog bathing tips can be helpful to make this operation much easier and faster It's time for that dreaded chore: bathing your Golden Retriever dog. You can't put it off any longer.

You've noticed the kids don't want to pet the dog any more, and the neighbors have started asking, "What's that awful smell?"

OK, so maybe it's not quite that bad. But when petting the dog leaves your hands feeling greasy (and you know it's not from that cheap hand lotion), it's time to run the bath water.

You'll also want to line up the dog shampoo, towels, and maybe even a hair dryer.

Now that the main item on your chore list for today is the dog getting a bath, let's simplify the dog bathing process a bit.

Although there are no secrets about how to bathe a dog, there are some simple steps to follow that will speed up the process.

Dog Bathing Tips Start With a Thorough Brushing

Prior to bathing your Golden Retriever dog, be sure he's well brushed and free of mats (tangles).

Mats left in the coat will become even tighter and harder to remove if they get wet.

Removing dead hair also helps water and shampoo penetrate down to the skin.

With the Golden's dense, water-repellent coat and insulating undercoat, you need all the help you can get.

Get Started Dog Bathing -- Into the Tub You Go!

The "conventional" way of bathing a dog goes something like this:

  • Run the water in the family bathtub.
  • Hunt down your dog (who knows something terrible is about to happen).
  • Put on his leash and collar (he probably won't follow you willingly to the bathroom).
  • Round up a few family members or neighbors to coax, pull, push and/or carry your beloved pooch to the tub.
  • If he jumps into the tub on his own, give yourselves a round of applause. Otherwise, heave-ho!

Easier Alternatives Than The Bathtub For Dog Bathing

Another approach to the dog bathing dilemma is to teach your Golden Retriever dog to jump into the dry bathtub as a trick.

Reward him with a yummy treat, and he'll be a pro in no time.

Then, on bath day, just ask your dog to hop into the dry bath tub.

Make sure the door to the room is closed and your favorite dog bathing products are handy.

You can also use a shower stall if it happens to be large enough, and you don't mind climbing in with your pooch.

Whether you use the family bathtub, a shower stall, or a specially designed dog bathing tub, your dog will feel more secure if you place a rubber mat in the bottom of the tub or stall so he doesn't slip.

Next Dog Bathing Tips : Wet Him Down

Once he's in the tub, wet him down--top, bottom and sides. Make sure his coat is completely soaked. A handheld sprayer makes this a snap.

Dog baths work best if lukewarm water is used. Why?

Warm water tends to open the hair follicles and helps loosen dead hair. That's why the tub is full of hair after a dog bathing session, even if you gave him a good brushing first.

Keep one hand under the spray so you can monitor the water temperature. Your beautician probably does this, too. Smart lady!

Here's a priceless tip: Don't wet his head. Dogs with dry heads shake less in the tub, because a good shake always begins in front.

Lather Up Carefully When Dog Bathing

Apply your favorite dog shampoo from the neck back, ignoring his head for now. Use your hands to massage it into his coat. Shampoo his neck, chest, belly, and tail. Washing him the same way every time will help him learn what to expect.

Use only a small amount of shampoo at a time. Too much may work up a glorious lather but be hard to rinse out. Squeeze the shampoo through the coat. Don't rub it. Rubbing will form tangles--just what you don't want.

If your Golden Retriever dog is especially dirty, you may need to rinse out this first shampoo application, then re-lather the dirty areas.

The Head Comes Last In Dog Bathing Tips

Last but not least, wash his head. Put cotton balls in his ears to keep out excess water, then carefully wet down his head. Put some shampoo on your fingers and apply gently to his skull, ears and muzzle. Keep soap away from his eyes.

Another dog bathing tip is to apply a bit of shampoo to a washcloth and use that to gently wash his head, ears and face.

Rinsing -- Very Important Step In Dog Bathing Tips

This is probably the most important step in the whole dog bathing process. Rinse thoroughly, then rinse again. It's much easier with a handheld sprayer or flexible shower hose than with bowls and buckets.

When you think you're finished, rinse one more time. Keep rinsing even after all of the soap appears to be gone. Why? Dried soap left on the skin can be extremely irritating and itchy for your pet.

Now grab a towel, hold it in front of you, and let that dog shake--while he's still in the dog bath tub.

In the unlikely event that he stands there like a statue, try blowing a quick burst of air in his ear. That almost always works.

Another Dog Bathing Tip: Towel Drying After Bathing

Use a towel to wipe off the remaining water, using a patting or squeezing motion rather than a rubbing one. This will avoid matting or tangling the fur.

Dry the top of his back and head first, then his belly and legs.

When you let him out of the dog bathing area, don't be surprised if he charges around the house like a wild thing. There's something about finishing a bath that makes the calmest dog go temporarily crazy.

Maybe he's just really glad it's over!

Deep-Down Drying After Dog Bathing

If it's a warm day, your dog will eventually dry out on his own, either inside the house or outside in the yard. This natural method of air-drying is perfectly fine to use in warm weather.

However, don't let your Golden Retriever dog outside on a chilly day when he's still wet from a bath.

You've removed the oils from his coat and saturated him down to the skin, so he's far wetter than he would ever get by going swimming, and thus more likely to become chilled.

Once your Golden's thick undercoat gets soaked, it can take a long time to dry. You can speed up the drying process by using a handheld hair dryer set at low heat.

Keep the hair dryer constantly moving over his body. Also, keep your hand on the area you're drying to be aware of how hot it is on your dog.

Almost Done With Dog Bathing Tips

It's time to celebrate—your Golden Retriever dog bathing ordeal is over. Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Actually, many Goldens enjoy a bath because they're naturally water lovers. If your dog has a great time splashing in the tub, you may want to move the whole dog bath setup outside--in warm weather only, of course.

After your dog's thoroughly dry, you'll need to brush his coat completely, including under the belly, tail, and feathering.

You can also go the brush-as-he-dries route, especially if he tends to have very curly hair or you're getting ready for a dog show.

When you're finished washing and drying your dog, it's a good time to wash his comb and brush in warm, soapy water. That will help keep his coat cleaner for a longer period of time.

It's also a good idea to occasionally wash his collar and leash.

Dog Bathing Frequency

How often do you need to bathe your Golden Retriever dog?

You'll be glad to know that, in general, most Goldens should be bathed no more than every six to eight weeks. Even this may be unnecessary if your Golden Retriever swims regularly.

Frequent washing removes natural oils and causes the coat to become dry and harsh.

The coat and skin need a balance of natural oils for proper protection from the elements.

A dog that is frequently in the water needs these oils to keep him as dry and warm as possible.

This would include Goldens that compete in hunting and field trials, or who are lucky enough to go swimming often.

You may be surprised to know that many Golden Retrievers never receive more than a handful of baths in their entire lives! These are not cases of neglect.

These dogs receive frequent brushings and proper care, are parasite free, live primarily in the house and usually swim regularly. That's all they need to keep their coats clean.

Quick Touch-Ups Between Dog Bathing Sessions

Anytime a dog finds something yucky to roll in, and the smelly mess is limited to one small area, a bit of waterless shampoo will take care of the problem and delay giving a dog a bath.

You also don't need to give a dog a bath every time he gets a muddy paw or comes home wearing a stray splotch of mud.

Just rinse off muddy paws in a bowl of water at the back door, and dry each paw carefully. That will keep the worst of the mud out of your house.

Simply rinsing off a semi-muddy dog will eliminate much of the mud the dog may get into, and let you delay giving a dog a bath for awhile longer. You can also wait until the mud dries and brush it out.

If your Golden Retriever dog is just dusty, a good brushing is all he needs. But if he starts to smell like a dog, it's bath time!

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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim