Categories: Training

Training Golden Retrievers – 05 Tips For Success!

Training Golden Retrievers – 05 Tips For Success!

Golden Retrievers or “Goldies” are excellent animal companions. They are known for being affectionate, loyal and able to form lifelong bonds with humans. They are also quite intelligent and very trainable. In General Golden Retrievers are incredibly loyal, social, and trustworthy; however, they do not come into the world filled with manners. Though they possess a friendly and eager-to-please demeanor but training golden retrievers will be necessary to differentiate between desirable and unacceptable action. Some training Golden Retrievers tips have been discussed below. Applying these tips make your Golden Retriever a well-mannered dog companion.Tthe more knowledge you are armed with, the easier the training will be for you and your dog.

After you bring a Golden Retriever home, training the Golden Retriever is the first responsibility that you are obliged to perform. Golden Retriever training is not an uphill task due to their intelligence, obedience, and eagerness to please the handler nature. Regardless if you just brought home a puppy or an adult, "training golden retrievers" is exciting because they catch on to things quickly, if you work with them. An untrained golden retriever can lead to jumping on people to greet them face to face, but golden retrievers can weigh 80 pounds full grown, so a jump on a child can easily knock them over. This is why it is vital to begin the training as soon as you bring your puppy or dog home.

The best time to start for Golden Retriever training is from around the age of 8 to 12 weeks. Training Golden Retriever can be a great time investment as they require lots of attention from your side. Making them comfortable to the new surrounding and teaching them some basic rules so that they grow up as obedient pets, are the two most important objectives of Golden Retriever training. Training also helps the Golden Retriever to differentiate between the acceptable and undesirable action.

In training your Golden retriever dog or puppy, it all begins with understanding your dog. The owner should first try to understand the basic traits of this type of dogs, such as their love to swim and jump. Goldens are kind, friendly, sociable, and active learners should be very clear in trainers mind. Assess what he needs to learn from you, and then find out how you can communicate effectively with him.

Of course, even though training golden retrievers is one of the easier of breeds, it still requires a great deal of time and energy on your part to make sure they are trained the way you want. For instance, in one household, the golden may be allowed on the furniture, but maybe in your home, this is not acceptable. Working one on one with your golden, will show him or her what it is you expect of them.

Housetraining should be the first priority as one of the most important Golden Retriever training tips. Timing is very important while training your Golden Retriever as such a very strict routine has to be followed from the beginning. A lot of patience is expected to start off and a system of reward has to be followed profusely. While training your Golden Retriever, immediately praise or reprimand him, as the situation demands, so that they are able to distinguish between right and wrong.

You must also teach basic commands such as, sit, stay, lie, and heel to your Golden Retriever dog or puppy. In doing so, you must address your pet repeatedly by its name (Here is great article about how to choose the best Golden Retriever names). This will help in establishing a relationship between you and your pet. Besides, these commands will also set the tone of the communication that you want to build with your Golden Retriever.


The Golden Retrievers have a tendency to please their masters and respond to their commands in a very positive manner. Thus, when you start training a Golden Retriever, do it with ‘sit’ as the first command. Then, you can move to other commands like ‘stay’ and ‘come’. After your Golden Retriever learns these commands teach it to ‘heel’ and make it aware of the ‘no’ command. While training, the trainer should behave lovingly and make themselves more approachable. It is also recommended that training sessions should be short and regular because long sessions get your golden retriever bored.The basic requirement for its training is that the trainer must have patience. The trainer should not be frustrated if in first few sessions Golden Retrievers do not pick up the training. The trainer must know that Golden Retriever is one of the most intelligent dog breeds and does not pose much problem in training.

Once you have taught them these basic commands, you can move on to teach them new commands and tricks. While training Golden Retrievers, it should be remembered that no harsh training methods including shouting, yelling, or berating need to be applied. As this behavior can make the dog stubborn and the training will become a tough job for you. Golden Retriever training should be conducted in such a way that it becomes a fun and pleasant experience for the trainer and trainee alike.

Basic Golden retriever dog obedience training is another important Golden Retriever training tips. Goldens really shine in this area because of their natural desire to please. It is advisable to start the training of Golden Retriever dog or puppy in a familiar environment, such as inside the home where your dog stays. You should also use same word or command for each particular action and keep them repeating every time. The sessions should be short and frequent because Golden Retrievers have a short attention span and get easily distracted or bored.

When you are dog training, the best thing to keep in mind and remember is to always be consistent in your training. You cannot tell your dog to not get on the sofa one day and the next day have them on the sofa, the dog will never understand what it is your want. Therefore, make sure when you begin training, that the entire family is on board. If getting on the furniture is a no-no in your home, then everyone needs to make sure they stick to this rule, and soon your golden will understand that the furniture is for humans.

Always use positive reinforcement rather than punishment and never spank your dog. They do not understand a spank and it will only cause your dog to fear you. Therefore, get some yummy treats that your dogs loves, and use these to reinforce the behavior. If your dog is on the sofa, say “down” or some other word to associate with getting off the sofa, when he or she get off, praise and treat. You will have to do this repeatedly until your dog learns the sofa is off limits.

You can use positive reinforcement in training golden retrievers for just about anything. Dogs are very food-driven and if you have a meaty treat, they will do just about anything for it. The trick is, when the dog becomes more familiar with the behavior, the less you need to treat. The treats are only used temporarily in the beginning of dog training, then slowly removed as the behavior becomes ingrained in your dogs mind.

If, for example, your puppy behaves badly, it won’t do good to reprimand him with spanking or yelling. Instead, understand your dog and help him to express his animal instinct in better ways. Golden Retrievers respond best to positive reinforcement: if you give generous praise and encouragement (or occasional rewards) for good behavior, they are more likely to repeat that behavior.


An important training tip for Golden retrievers is that whenever you end your training session, do it on a positive note with your Golden Retriever wanting more. By doing so, you will arouse an interest in your pet and it will look forward to the next training session. Golden retriever Obedience training has to be followed by unwanted chewing and biting control. Because Golden Retrievers have a natural instinct to chew or bite special care has to be taken to control this nature. You should encourage him to bite on the right objects.

Another thing that has to go with the Golden Retriever training is reward system. You must choose some tasty treat and reserve the treats for your Goldie while training. This motivates the dog towards the learning process. Even praising and affectionate words and action work as excellent rewards for the pet. The trainer must avoid giving harsh punishment and simply neglect the undesirable and bad habits. Remember, Golden Retrievers judge their actions on the response that they get from their trainers and like any other intelligent creature, good responses also encourage them.

To inculcate healthy and proper habits of food to your Golden retriever, you have to supervise and manage their foods. You should chide your Golden Retriever if he eats anything that is lying on the floor or on the ground and habit of eating from a meal bowl should be encouraged. It should be remembered that when you take up the second lesson the first lesson should not be stopped, that is, the process should be continuous and steady.

Another important tip about  training Golden Retrievers is to restrain you dog from jumping behavior. You should not pat your Golden Retriever when he jumps during homecoming; instead wait till he calms down. You can use “Sit”, “Stay”, and “Down” command to address the problem.

Core Training Golden Retrievers Tips

A young Golden retriever might be a bit excitable and unruly, but he can eventually become well-behaved and dependable. If you want to train your canine companion, you should know a few basic tips and principles that will facilitate the process of training golden retrievers.

1. The Alpha Position

Know that dogs simply respond to their human companions. They are sociable creatures – they have a natural desire to belong – but remember that they are still animals. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your dog is more capable or cleverer than it really is. Canines don’t think like humans, and you can’t use human reasoning in teaching a dog.

The most vital principle in training golden retrievers is understanding your position of authority. You have to first of all realize that training your dog is your responsibility – not your dog’s. He does not speak your language, and he will not instinctively know what you require of him. You will have to take it upon yourself to take charge and be the leader of your pack.

Golden Retrievers respond to their owners, so it’s important for you to display good leadership: be assertive, but not aggressive. If he sees that you’re a good pack leader, he will easily submit to you. If he knows you’re in control, he can relax trust you to take care of him; if he can trust you, he can easily obey you.

2. Crate Training

Golden Retrievers generally appreciate crates. It gives them a place they can identify as their own personal space, where they can rest comfortably. This helps in house-training, as well as reduces barking and anxiety.

As you hang out with your dog, let him spend some time in the crate so he can get used to it. A crate must never be used for punishment; it should be associated with security and comfort (More about Golden Retriever Crate Training on this article).


3. Leash Training

When it comes to leashes, it’s beneficial to help your dog attain a calm state of mind. When they are calm and composed, dogs respond better and are less prone to become anxious or unruly.

Problems with leashes arise when the dog is permitted to run and pull the human along. Remember that you have to be the one to take control when taking your dog for a walk. If your dog yanks you, let him sit and wait beside you for a moment before continuing. In this way, your teachable Goldie slowly learns that pulling you forward will result in stopping.

4. Obedience Training

Whether you have a newly-adopted Golden Retriever puppy or a stubborn older dog, you and your pooch will benefit much from an obedience class. An obedience class can provide you with excellent tips, and it can go alongside the dog-training you do at home. It’s intended for both canines and humans: it disciplines the dog to submit to commands, and it teaches the human how to maintain authority.

5. Key Tip: Consistency

In training Golden retrievers, it’s important to be consistent. Golden Retrievers are smart, but they learn by repetition – whatever you want to enforce, it has to be constant and habitual. You, the human, have to be reliable, or else your golden retriever will end up confused and won’t even bother following you. Get everyone in your household to cooperate in the training, and it will produce great results.

Conclusion :

Golden retrievers enjoy interacting with people and are eager to please their human companions. If you give lots of praise and affirmation, or reward them with things they like, they will catch on quickly. Training Golden Retrievers can be challenging, but if done well, it will be enjoyable and definitely rewarding.

Remember, only a well-behaved Golden Retriever makes a lovable and friendly pet. And because of their temperament anyone knowing few simple tips can train a Golden Retriever. As soon as you bring your Golden Retriever home, you need to chalk out a plan on how to train your puppy. Every family has different situations and so there is a variation in what they want their dog to do and what not. It has to be judged by them and then right away start the training.

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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim