Categories: Training

Solving Submissive Urination In Golden Retriever Dogs

Solving Submissive Urination In Golden Retriever Dogs

Solving submissive urination in Golden Retriever dogs starts with knowing what it is and why it happens. It's true that it can be embarrassing and frustrating. But there are definitely ways you can deal with it.

The best place to begin is with understanding the reasons why it happens. So let's get right to it!

First, it helps with solving submissive urination if you understand that this is your dog's way of "waving the white flag."

It lets everyone know he's absolutely no threat to anybody. He's also acknowledging another dog's superiority.

Submissive urination in dogs is the ultimate gesture of submission.

In a pack, this behavior would stop any aggressive actions on the part of a more dominant pack member.

Young puppies learn this canine version of "respect your elders" from their mother. You can tell this isn't normal urination by noticing some other signals of submission that your dog may display, as well.

These include avoiding eye contact, lowered ears, lowered tail, lowered body (cowering), and even lying down and rolling over to expose his belly.


Solving Submissive Urination in Dogs of All Breeds

This problem is more common in females and smaller breeds, though it can be seen in dogs of any breed, age or sex--even a Golden Retriever.

It's most common in puppies--especially shy, timid and overly sensitive ones.

These little guys are at the bottom of the "pack pecking order." They're announcing their lower status in a normal canine way.

Solving submissive urination in dogs that are mature (not puppies) will be an issue if they:

  • Have been abused
  • Have been handled by stern, intimidating owners
  • Were improperly socialized, resulting in fear and insecurity
  • Are so insecure, they feel the need to constantly apologize

Solving Submissive Urination In Dogs By Knowing the "Triggers"

Submissive urination in dogs occurs when a Golden Retriever dog feels threatened, even if the people around him don't mean to be threatening.

Solving submissive urination in dogs is easier if you're aware of these situations that may trigger a submissive urination response:

  • Solving submissive urination in dogs is easier if you remember you have a very sensitive dog.Greeting your dog when you come home
  • Guests entering your home
  • Someone walking toward your dog
  • Arguments between people
  • Speaking in a loud voice
  • Loud noises in the house or yard
  • People reaching for your dog
  • People leaning over him
  • People petting him on the head
  • Making eye contact with him
  • Scolding him
  • Punishing him physically
  • Talking to your dog in excited, deep or harsh tones
  • Large or expansive arm or hand movements
  • Sudden or quick movements that startle your dog

Some dogs are so sensitive that even angry facial expressions or tense body language from their owners is enough to create a puppy puddle.

In dog language, dominance gestures include staring or standing over the other dog.

Other gestures are putting a paw over another dog's neck or shoulders, and low growls.

Dogs simply look at your actions as they would another dog's, and behave accordingly.

Two-Pronged Approach to Solving Submissive Urination in Dogs

First of all, have your veterinarian examine your Golden Retriever for any possible physical abnormality or illness that could cause this problem. For example, a

urinary tract infection will make submissive urination more severe, and harder to cure.

After you know your dog is healthy, you can approach solving submissive urination in dogs from two directions: eliminate or reduce the "triggers," and increase his confidence so he doesn't need to keep apologizing.

Here are some practical steps to solving submissive urination in dogs by avoiding the trigger situations:

  • Keep greetings low key. Don't even touch him for about 5-15 minutes.
  • If you're still housebreaking him, take him out of his crateas soon as you get home, and take him straight outside without stopping. Speak in a calm voice. Once the pup has emptied his bladder outdoors, you can greet him calmly.
  • Avoid direct eye contact. Look at his back or tail instead.
  • Get down on his level by bending at the knees (or sitting) rather than leaning over from the waist.
  • Ask other people to get down on his level in the same way.
  • Pet him under the chin or on the chest rather than on top of the head or shoulders.
  • When solving submissive urination in dogs, it helps to approach dogs from the side, rather than from the front.
  • Present the side of your body to him, rather than your full front.
  • Don't punish or scold him. You'll just end up with more puddles.
  • Don't cuddle and try to reassure your Nervous Nellie. Those actions tell her, "Good dog! Pee some more!"
  • Physically handle your dog as little as possible. That loving touch is more than he can handle right now.
  • When contact is unavoidable (brushing, bathing), keep your movements slow and calm.
  • While working on solving submissive urination in dogs, it helps to talk to your dog using a calm, quiet voice (without eye contact).
  • Be a loving leader instead of an alpha. There's no need to dominate this sensitive soul.
  • If your Golden Retriever dog starts to urinate, pick up a toy and play with him. That's a way of saying, "OK, I see your submissiveness. That's good."
  • When an accident occurs, don't make a fuss. Clean it up (using pet odor eliminators) and forget it.


Solving Submissive Urination In Dogs Through Confidence-Building Exercises

The flip side of the coin in solving submissive urination in dogs involves building your dog's confidence. The quickest way to do that is by teaching your pup a few basic obedience exercises.

A dog that can earn praise by obeying a simple routine of "Come, sit, shake hands," will soon develop self-esteem and confidence.

Engage your dog in low-key play to build his confidence.

Tug of War is excellent, provided you let the dog win. (Don't try this with dominant dogs.) Retrieving games are also helpful.

Keep it low-key by keeping your voice calm, not making eye contact, and not talking to your dog any more than necessary.

The right style of obedience class can be an excellent confidence booster for your sensitive pup.

Such classes can also teach you the importance of well-timed praise (and other rewards) in a healthy relationship with your dog.

Working with him using clicker training would be particularly helpful for a submissive dog.

With gentle training, solving submissive urination in dogs will be achieved more quickly from all the confidence your Golden Retriever dog will develop. It's definitely worth the time and effort.

Other good confidence builders are dog sports like agility and flyball. These activities also help strengthen the owner/dog bond, which may have been damaged by this whole messy situation.

Here are some other ways of solving submissive urination through building your dog's confidence:

  • Teach your dog that there are more appropriate ways to show respect, such as paw raising (shaking hands) or hand licking (give a kiss).
  • Ignore timid behavior and praise your dog when he sits and stands confidently.
  • Be really positive with your dog, praising him for what he does right. This guy lacks self-confidence and will keep looking at you to make sure everything is OK.
  • Gradually expose him to new people and new situations. Try to make sure all of his new experiences are positive and happy, and praise him when he shows confidence and explores the new environment.

What Are My Chances of Permanently Solving Submissive Urination?

For most puppies, submissive urination is simply outgrown before their first birthday, by gaining confidence.

But if you're still working on solving the problem in your older dog, these tips should help.

You should see positive results in just a few weeks, possibly sooner.

And remember--be patient, because accidents will happen.

On a practical note, until the problem is resolved, you might want to protect your carpet by placing a plastic drop cloth or heavy towels at the doorway where accidents are most likely to occur. You can also purchase doggy diapers at your local pet supply store.

Solving submissive urination isn't an impossible task. Be patient, be persistent, be positive--and keep loving your precious pooch!


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Patrick Astim

Dr. Patrick Astim (PhD) was born in Northern Ireland and grew up in United States, he attended College for undergraduate studies from 1992-1996 and the University of Veterinary Medicine from 1997-2001. His professional interests include stem cell therapy, immunotherapy, pet therapy, soft tissue surgery, oncology, and internal medicine. In his free time, Dr. Astim enjoys blogging and many outdoor activities including golfing, playing basketball and helping animal shelters. He also enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for Golden Retriever dogs and veterinary medicine with the next generation of veterinarians and is always willing to spend time visiting classrooms as well as mentor current and prospective veterinary students. Dr. Astim is married and has two children: Scot, and Sarah. There are also two Golden Retriever dogs, Leia and Molly and a cat, Nita, that live under the Astim’s roof.

Published by
Patrick Astim