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A DOG daycare is a good place for your golden retriever dog to socialize with other DOGS, as well as humans, and get some exercise. Just remember that golden retrievers, like humans, are individuals. Whether your golden retriever will enjoy golden retriever daycare depends a lot on his individual personality.
Another factor is that not all DOG daycares are the same. If you do decide to take your golden retriever to a DOG daycare there are several options to choose from. Most DOG daycares have scheduled group activities. Some have individual quarters with individual toys. A few even offer a TV and a couch for every DOG. The options are endless.
Each DOG daycare also has its own policies about which breeds are allowed and how many DOGS they take in at once. Find a daycare that has policies that suit your needs and the needs of your golden retriever.
Once you've narrowed the choices down a bid, be sure to meet with the staff of your top picks. Ask about their credentials. Ask about the daily routine around the daycare. In fact, if possible, show up for an unannounced visit so that you can see how things are run. It's also a good idea to bring your golden retriever dog to each daycare that you are considering and see how staff and the other DOGS react to him.
If you do your homework and ask some questions you'll find a great DOG daycare in no time at all.